Who is Mohamad Jamal Soliman
Jamal Soliman ist Schauspieler und seit 2011 in der Opposition gegen das syrische Regime aktiv. Nach Drohungen gegen ihn und seine Familie verließ er Syrien in Richtung Ägypten. Im SCC ist er Mitglied des Oppositionsblockes und repräsentiert die Kairo Plattform. |
Studies or News of Mohamad Jamal Soliman
- Jamal Soliman Suspends his Membership in the Syrian Constitutional Committee
- Jamal Soliman Adopts the "Syrian Military Council": It is my Idea and Rusia Believes in it
- The Artist Jamal Soliman: There is no Near Political Solution in Syria Except for the Military Council | BBC News
- Syrian Artist Jamal Soliman: We Want to live in a Country, not on a Farm
- The Artist Jamal Soliman Reveals the Situation of Minorities in Syria
- Jamal Soliman to Arta: We cannot Accept a Central State, which does not Recognize the Rights of Minorities
- In Response to Jamal Soliman on the Question of Citizenship and the Proposal for Federalism in Syria