Webinar: Voices from the SCC - The Fifth Round from Geneva (Part 2)

Last week, the Small Body of the Syrian Constitutional Committee had its fifth session in Geneva. Due to the lack of progress, there was a general disappointment with this meeting and its results on the part of the UN Special Envoy as well as the SNC and part of the members of the Middle Third.

So, how is this round of negotiations to be evaluated? And what is the Syrian Negotiation Commission’s plan for the future? How will it continue? 

These and other related questions will be discussed in the second session of our webinar ”Voices from the Syrian Constitutional Committee – The Fifth Round”. The panellists of this webinar session are:

  • Hadi Al-Bahra, Co-chair of the Syrian Constitutional Committee for the SNC and member of the political committee of Etilaf.
  • Kamiran Hajo, Head of the Foreign Relations Office of the Kurdish National Council (KNC). He is also a member of the advisory board of the Syrian Negotiation Commission (SNC) and a member of the Syrian Constitutional Committee, Small Body, SNC.
  • Ahmad Al-Israwi, Secretary-General of the Democratic Arab Socialist Union Party in Syria and member of the Executive Office of the Coordinating Body for the National Coordination Committee (NCC). He is also a member of the Syrian Constitutional Committee, Small Body, SNC.
  • Dr. Bassma Kodmani, co-founder and CEO of the Arab Reform Initiative and co-founder of the Initiative for a New Syria. She is also a member of the Syrian Constitutional Committee, Small Body, SNC.

The discussion will be moderated by the Syrian journalist, Nesrin Trabulsi.

We are looking forward to your attendance, questions and contributions!

Webinar details:

When: Friday, February 5, 2021; 2:00 pm (Berlin time) / 3:00 pm (Damascus time) / 4:00 pm (Istanbul time).

Webinar link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-0WxCaluQOWT2C7ozg7Gbw

Check the event’s time and add it to your calendar by clicking here.
