Interview with Jamal Karsli
Within the Syrian opposition, the federalization of Syria is being critically discussed. How can federalism be implemented, how can regions and municipalities be determined and to which criteria should these…
Within the Syrian opposition, the federalization of Syria is being critically discussed. How can federalism be implemented, how can regions and municipalities be determined and to which criteria should these…
Does it make sense to work on a new Syrian constitution while thousands of people are subject to severe human rights abuses and unlawfully detained in Syrian prisons? What are…
How can we build a democratic Syria? How can we organize free and fair elections? How can people be compensated for past injustices? These and many other similar questions were…
In order for a state to function, perform its duties and work towards its goals, to create and apply laws, resolve disputes, make plans, and build and maintain infrastructure, it…
The term democracy describes forms of government in which all state power derives from the people. A distinction is made between direct democracy (direct government by the people, for example…
Human rights have been developed by humans and states in response to past injustices and acts of inhumanity. These rights guarantee that all human beings are respected and protected in…
A transition process is generally understood as a mean a shift from a non-democratic regime, in particular an authoritarian or totalitarian one, to a democratic regime. The focus is thus…
The introduction of a federal system which distributes political power across multiple levels within a state is seen by many academics and practitioners as a promising and sustainable instrument for…
The following paper discusses the distribution of taxes and resources in multi-level systems of government (fiscal federalism), with a special focus on the relationship between various levels of government in…
In systems with multiple levels of government, the question of how to divide powers among institutions is of critical importance. Which rights are afforded to which level of government and…